
دورة التصوير الفوتوغرافي المحترف للمصور العالمي /خالدأبوالدهب

لأول مرة في مصر المصورالمصري العالمي/خالدأبوالدهب في أحد أقوي دوراته في تعلم فن التصوير المحترف؛ حيث تعد دوراته من أقوي و أهم الدورات التدريبية المتخصصة في مجال التصوير في الشرق الأوسط؛ حازا المصور العالمي /خالدأبوالدهب علي جائزة برفوتو العالمية للتصوير بمركز ثاني أفضل صورة علي مستوي العالم تم أالتقاطها بأسرع ستوديو فلاش في العالم من شهر آكتوبر ٢٠٠٩؛ تم إختياره من أحد أقوي ٣٥ فنان علي مستوي العالم في مجال التصوير الفوتوغرافي من قبل متحف الفن بإطاليا حيث تمت عرض أعماله في متحف الفن بإطاليا مع نخبة من الفانانين اعالميين الذي تم أختيارهم من بين ١٤٠٠ فنان تقدموا لعرض أعمالهم بمتحف الفن؛أيضا قام متحف الفن بإطاليا بدعوت المصور المصري العالمي/خالدأبوالدهب لإعطاء ورشة عمل في التصوير الفوتوغرافي المخترف خلال فترة المعرض؛ وذلك ضمن أقوي ورشة عمل تم عقدها في أوروبا و التي قام بالتدريس بها نخبة من أساتذة التصوير في العالم مثل/ المصور العالمي : لوني- محرر قسم التصيوير بمجلة نييورك تايمز الأمريكية؛ المصور العالمي:زلطان ناجي؛ المصور العالمي: جيرالد برنيو؛ المصور العالمي: :مارشيللو مانكاريني
أيضا يقوم خالد أبوالدهب بتعليم فن التصوير الفوتوغرافي للأسر و محبي التصوير في البيوت بشكل مبسط وذلك من خلال قناة ال آم.بي.سي في برنامج "صباح الخير ياعرب" الفقرة الأسبوعية "يلا تصوير" إبتدي خالد أبوالدهب كورساته في مركز دبي العالمي للفنون؛حيث تقوم برعاية كورساته كبري الشركات العالمية في تصنيع معدات التصوير كا:بروفوتو؛ مان فروتوا؛ أدفانسيد ميديا
فيمايلي تفاصيل الكورس المقام في مصر بتاريخ ١٩ يناير٢٠١١٠ والذي سينعقد لمدة شهر كامل في مصر
"CAIRO-EGYPT" Discover the mystery and secrets of the world of photography and become a PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER in ONE MONTH!!!

We offer the course enabling you to:
- Convert your photography skills form talented photographer to professional photographer.
- Understand professional photography techniques.
- Understand colors, contrast and how to compose a shot before your snap it.
- Have an idea about lights and how it affects your photography.
- Have a different eye to the world around you, where you can snap a lot of pictures.
- Help you with different professional techniques to enjoy more your photography passion.
- Qualify all the participants to reach the professional photography level.

Course Subject:
- Basic professional photography techniques
- Studio lighting
- Product photography workshop
- Landscape photography workshop
- Portrait photography workshop
- Photography branding and marketing
- How to choose your gear
- How to build a PRO portfolio
- Introduction to Photoshop
- Graduation Exhibition for all the course members.

The course will be offered by the international photographer Khaled Abul Dahab who:
* Has been recognized with great success in his unique educating skills and talent in his courses via workshops.
*Won a 2nd place award for the best photo shoot through the Profoto International Competition in the month of Oct 2009.
*Is a member of WEBA International Education Network.
* Is the Managing Editor of Photography of the "Arab Student Magazine."
more info: <>

Course details:
• Course Duration: 30 Days.
• 25 Hours pure shooting.
• Course segments: Any.
• Age: Open.
• Fees: 3,999 L.E
• Starting date:Jan. 19th 2011
• Days & Timing : Wednesday 6:30p.m - Friday8:00a.m
• Class duration: 2:30 hours minimum.
So, if you're determined to contribute to the success, develop and discover your photography talent, don't hesitate and don't miss the opportunity......

For more information:
Please feel free to contact us:

Hamis: +2010 71 27 8 99 6October
Samah:             +2011 00 09 4 39       Zamalik
sama:             +2010 52 31 5 29       Heliopolis


Course Schedule

- 19/01/ 6:30p.m "Basic Pro. Photography Techniques"

Understanding of professional photography, Aperture, shutter speed, ISO, Exposure, contrast, colors toning, shot classification." you will be able to use the camera on "M" manual mode from the first day"

- 21/01/11 Friday 8:00a.m"Landscape photography"

Now you will practicing on how to maintain the right exposure in different light conditions (WORKSHOP)

- 26/01/11 6:30p.m "White Balance,(AF,MAF&DOP), Camera&Lenses"

Now you are ready to explore more techniques and camera settings to get more beautiful colors, right colors tone, more enhanced exposure, achieving the shot as you mean, how you achieve the right focus, how the Auto focus "AF" and Manual focus "MF" systems are working and how they effect your shot compassion, also you will be able to understand the "depth of field" DOP and what is that mean and effect your pic. and how you can use it to get a beautiful unique photos.

- 28/01/11 Friday 8:00a.m " Landscape+Out-door Portrait with out-door light"

Now you will going to have a great shots, and you will understand more about outdoor lighting, how you can read and control the out door light, we also will you "flash light for out door portrait with very new and latest technology and techniques in lighting" this will going to take you step up in lighting techniques to enhance your portrait out door.(we will be visiting a wonderful places in Dubai)

- 2/02/11 6:30p.m "Night photography& sunset workshop"

Night shooting techniques and different camera setting to have a great night shots, city shot, will be visiting a wonderful places in Cairo-Egypt

- 4/02/11 Friday "Studio lighting"

You will be going to have your studio lighting workshop using a top notch light and studio equipment you will go more deeper to control the lights world in very easy and simple way, you will going to explore and enjoy the relation between your camera and all the studio light you working with, also you will learn a standard light techniques, as you will know different kind of light setup.

- 9/02/11 6:30p.m "Intro for Photoshop"

you will learn how to prepare your photo for pro. printing, cropping, and different effects technique it gives your pics. different art mode."pls note that we will not going to teach "how to enhance your pics. by any editing program" for khaled's School; you can do your amazing shot by your camera and light only.

- 11/02/11 Friday 8:00a.m"Building pro portfolio, Branding,

Operation,Marketing and Advertising" Now we are going to give you the practical experience of starting your own business in photography "free lancer or studio" you will let you know how to do your own photography style"branding" how to market to your photography, how to operate your business in photography.

I'm happy to have you there guys where we can enjoy our Photography together, I would love to share with you my experience and knowledge because I believe by sharing exp.&infos. we all get improve our skills.

Khaled Abul-Dahab

1 التعليقات:

Anonymous said...

بعد السلام عليكم ...، انا عبد الباسط اللافي من ليبا موظف تابع قسم الإعلام بوزارة النفط على وظيفة مصور فوتوغرافي وابحث عن دورة
تدريبية في هدا المجال وطويلة المدى
هل لديكم دورات الان في مجال التصوير وشكراً هدا إميلي

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